Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Ab Circle Pro Reviews: Does This Ab Gadget Actually Work?

Do you want to burn belly fat, get a flat stomach, and create sexy "six pack" abs in the next few weeks? Well the makers of the new Ab Circle Pro promise you that you can do exactly that if you use their product consistently. This new "infomercial" fitness product is literally exploding in popularity and lots of our readers have been asking for reviews of this new ab gadget. Some have even sent in their own reviews, testimonials, ratings, opinions, and comments. (Don't worry, we'll be posting all of them in the very near future.)

Unlike most ab machines, the Ab Circle Pro doesn't involve laying around on your back, raising your head, shoulders, knees, legs, arms, toes, or any other bodily appendage in an attempt to exercise the abdominal muscles. What it does involve is holding onto a pair of handles, with your knees resting on pads connected to a circular "sliding rail" system. You then swing your legs side to side in a circular motion that, at least theoretically, activates, exercises, and strengthens your abs in a very efficient way while simultaneously giving you a fat-burning cardio workout.

(No, we're not making that up. It really works like that. Check out the video below if you don't believe us!)

Like the relatively new "Ab Coaster", another innovative ab-strengthening machine, the Ab Circle Pro aims to get you up off the floor doing exercises that target the lower abdominal muscles. Fitness trainers and exercise experts have long know that the hanging leg raise is probably the single most effective ab exercise out there. The problem is that hanging from a bar isn't something most people are willing or able to do on a consistent basis. Yes there are all kinds of arms straps, wrist straps, "wings", and other assorted items out there to help, but the fact remains that hanging leg/knee raises are hard to do. Most people want to burn stomach fat and get sexy abs, but they're not willing to do things that are too difficult.

This is why products like the Ab Circle Pro (and the Total Core, Ab Rocket, Ab Coaster, Ab Roller, Ab Lounge, etc.) do so well (at least sales-wise). They turn difficult ab movements like crunches, sit-ups, and leg raises into significantly less difficult, machine-assisted movements. Does the Ab Circle Pro work? Sure, almost definitely... if you use it. In fact we've received quite a few Ab Circle Pro reviews from happy customers who are using the product on a consistent basis and seeing great fat loss and ab-strengthening results.

But, again, it all comes down to whether or not you actually use it. The Ab Circle Pro will do you no good hiding under your bed or stuffed away in the hallway closet. The same can be said for all ab gadgets, fitness machines, and home gyms. Don't be one of those people who buys the Ab Circle, uses it for a week, and then forgets all about it. Let's be certain about one thing: these machines might make exercise easier to do, but it's still exercise. You're not going to magically lose your abdominal fat and get ripped abs just because you decided to pull out your credit card and buy something. You need to actually open the box, unpack it, put the thing together, and get to using it on an almost daily basis.

Don't forget, when you make an exercise easier you almost always also make it less effective. So in the end you'll need to swing those hips and flex those abs on the Ab Circle Pro's "Friction Free Track" quite a lot. Probably at least every other day or so. The people we've heard from who've gotten good results are using it quite often. And, OF COURSE, they're not eating corn chips and drinking a gallon of cola every day. Every single one is eating a clean, healthy diet and doing other forms of effective exercise (like jogging and weight training).

Here's one of the better Ab Circle Pro reviews we've received:

"Hey guys! I thought you might want to share my own ab circle pro review with your readers. I bought mine in May and started using it the first week after it arrived. It's about the 4th or 5th ab machine I've purchased and I have to say that so far I like it alot! At least I actually enjoy using it. I can definitely feel it in by abdominals and obliques when I'm on it. If I listen to some upbeat music I can usually get a pretty decent cardio workout on it. Of course like all the other "exercise" things I've bought you definitely get a little tired of doing the same thing over and over again. But I'm also going to the gym and playing tennis a few times a week so the Ab Circle isn't my only source of exercise! Anyway, after less than a month of using it I give the Ab Circle Pro about a 7 out of 10 stars, which is actually a way better rating than I'd give any of the other ab products I've bought. I'll keep using it and hopefully finally get that flat sexy stomach I've been working toward for a loooong time!"

Do you have a review, opinion, or testimonial on the Ab Circle Pro? Then please be sure to leave it in the "comments" section below. Thanks a lot!

Check out this interesting video featuring the beautiful "Miss Bikini Diva"... aka fitness model Jennifer Nicole Lee:

Related info:

Ab Circle Pro Blog

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